my pop baubles in grazia magazine

December 14, 2012  in diy craft projects, homemade, news

Disco pop baubles by Sania Pell in Grazia magazine

I had the pleasure of being asked by Grazia magazine’s Rachel Loos to be part of their Christmas special, in a feature on their favourite bloggers’ crafty Christmas ideas. I was asked if I could come up with and create a bauble idea and, as is my way, I created lots of variations of the same idea for the photo shoot and thought I would share them with you. I worked with photographer Chris Tubbs on the shoot for the magazine but I also I took a few snaps at home that you can see below, they are so easy to make why not give them a go yourself?

Homemade Christmas baubles by Sania Pell

Homemade neon sparkle baubles by Sania Pell

Homemade sequin Christmas bauble by Sania Pell

As it was Grazia, I wanted to break away from the traditional Christmas colours and give my baubles a fashion edge as well as a seasonal feel. Using basic plain glass baubles as my starting point I combined disco sparkle in the form of glitter and sequins in silvers and greys, with Pop-inspired fluorescent neon paint and ribbon made from strips of some of my favourite fashion fabrics by Liberty. In others I tipped tiny beads topped by ribbon from VV Rouleaux and applied embossed black and white messages giving them a kind of disco/80s/punky feel.

Neon sequin and bead Christmas baubles by Sania Pell

Pink neon and glitter Christmas bauble by Sania Pell

Neon disco pop glitter baubles by Sania Pell

The Dymo message tape and labelmakers can be bought from places like WH Smiths and is a fun way of encorporating messages on all sorts of things like labels for jam jars of collected treasures or name tags on gifts.

Glitter and bead Christmas baubles by Sania Pell

Dymo message Christmas baubles by Sania Pell

Homemade Christmas baubles by Sania Pell

I was quoted in Grazia saying “I like taking something plain and giving it a twist” and that is really my approach to making and creating as well as for interiors and styling.

Homemade Happy Christmas baubles by Sania Pell

The great thing about making your own decorations is you can choose colour combinations that work with your Christmas theme and interior style, and change things around each year if you wish. With plain glass baubles you can use whatever beads, sequins and ribbons you have to create unique and personal decorations that will catch your guests’ eyes when they visit over the festive holidays.

Have a lovely Christmas everyone.

If you like this idea have a look at my bauble ideas from last Christmas and my sequin disco vase idea that I posted when I first started this blog.


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  1. Great ideas Sania – happy Christmas to you too! x

  2. Lovely San-so glad to finally see them as I missed the issue! I’ve gone Dymo mad this year-love it-reminds me of being a kid again!! xx

  3. Laura says:

    Beautiful work as always Sania. They look fantastic, great colours and lovely photos. Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  4. Jo says:

    Sania these are gorgeous, what a fab idea,
    Have a super Christmas lovely,
    great to see you at Grainne’s
    Jo x

  5. emma says:

    Nice! Have a lovely Christmas.

  6. Katy Doerner says:

    Love!!! – You are the best!

  7. Rebecca says:

    That’s such a great idea! I love doing crafty stuff for my tree, going to file his one for Christmas this year:) Well done on the Grazia piece!

  8. Jessica says:


    Cool baubles! Love them!

    Do you buy them “in pieces”?
    I’m looking for only the hanging devices for baubles. I will do the bauble myself in porcelain clay but need to buy the metal thinges to attach to them.

    I would be super happy if you could help me find a place where I can buy lots of them!

    I’m native Swedish speaker and don’t have the name in English for that “thing” where to put the string…



  9. […] wreath tutorial from fellow fellow Simple baubles filled with sequins and beads tutorial from Sania Pell Colourful felt ornaments tutorial from Purl Bee Crochet star ornaments tutorial from Marianna’s […]

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Sania Pell freelance interior stylist London.

Sania Pell is a leading interior stylist, art/creative director and consultant based in London. Highly-experienced and influential, she has been a Contributing Stylist at Elle Decoration UK magazine for over 20 years, and is well known for bringing a unique aspect to photographic shoots for national publications, leading international brands and retailers as well as for architects and property developers. She is the author of best-selling book The Homemade Home and The Homemade Home for Children. A trained, former textile designer, Sania is also involved in many multi-disciplinary creative projects.

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