liberty chic

July 1, 2011  in news

liberty chic

I love Japan and my thoughts have been with everyone there since they suffered terribly in March. I was fortunate enough to visit Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka on a sales trip when I was textile designing full time and fell in love with it. It is so inspiring, full of the most amazing things and probably the best place to go shopping in the world!

Back in February this year my home, my daughter and I were photographed for a new magazine-book (a ‘mook’) called Liberty Chic in Japan. It arrived through the post last week and I thought I had to show it to you. The photography is beautiful and included a little bit of Liberty pattern in almost every shot. I was delighted to be featured alongside the homes of jewellery maker Emma Cassi, Apolline who makes the most amazing dolls and Marie-France Cohen, the founder of the gorgeous Merci in Paris, which is one of my favourite shops (along with Liberty).

liberty chic

My daughter Leila, wearing a Liberty print dress that I made for her, wrapping a strip of Liberty fabric around the lamp in her bedroom. This is the lamp from my book that was customised for the shoot by wrapping Liberty print around parts of the wire shade.

liberty chic

The bottles, lavender heart and lavender bags above are all projects from my book The Homemade Home. My son was at school that day but he was happy too as his drawing of an elephant made it on to the front cover if you look closely!

Liberty Chic is a 60 page magazine-book that features interiors and fashion, homes, clothing and products that all have a Liberty print focus. It is in Japanese only and comes with a Liberty print tote and mini pouch. It’s available from

Thank you so much to Masaki and Makiko, and to Teruyuki Yoshimura for the wonderful photographs. It is something we will treasure forever.

liberty print love

By coincidence, this was my work desk yesterday – a lovely Liberty print muddle!

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  1. Heather says:

    What a beautiful book! And congrats for being featured, the photos are amazing and love your daughter’s little dress 🙂 I too love japan and their craft aesthetic. Their craft books are always so adorable, makes me wish i could read japanese!~

  2. Heleen Miller says:

    I love Japanese style and Liberty prints. The pictures in the book look lovely! I too wish I could read Japanese!

  3. elisa says:

    your sweet kids! i would’ve died to have a drawing of mine published at his age. okay, i still would. great frock!

    mook. only the japanese would be so clever and apt with the english language. i may have to make a mook one day. xx

  4. Carole says:

    How lovely to have your house featured in such a beautiful book. Your daughter looks very cute in her Liberty print dress and it looks as though she has inherited your styling skills!

  5. Hello Sania,
    Just browsing a few blogs as you do on a wintry Saturday with some lovely lazy time to spare. It was a delight to come across your “At Home” and I just had to write and say how much I have enjoyed reading back through the entries.
    I have just returned from seven wonderful weeks in France and loved the innovativeness of “Merci” in Paris ( and their fab fresh salads !) and Liberty has been a favourite of mine for most of my life – in fact I am about to start a quilt for my granddaughter with 360 different pieces of the Tana Lawn – every rectangle is different. For 25 years I owned a patchwork shop with Liberty as one of our special draw cards – I have always said it is one of the only print ranges where it “all goes together” no matter the pattern or colour …I am sure you agree?
    Thanks again for the visit to “At Home”.
    Joanna Brazier
    Perth Western Australia

  6. victoria says:

    I have your book and today I checked out your website and obviously your blog. I just wanted to say that I love what you do, best of luck for the future.

  7. Bargain Universe says:

    Thanks a lot for this fantastic post. Really liked this.

  8. Jane says:

    Oh Sania! As a Liberty addict, I am so enchanted by this book. Thanks for the hot tip – I’m heading over there to buy it ☺. J x

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Sania Pell freelance interior stylist London.

Sania Pell is a leading interior stylist, art/creative director and consultant based in London. Highly-experienced and influential, she has been a Contributing Stylist at Elle Decoration UK magazine for over 20 years, and is well known for bringing a unique aspect to photographic shoots for national publications, leading international brands and retailers as well as for architects and property developers. She is the author of best-selling book The Homemade Home and The Homemade Home for Children. A trained, former textile designer, Sania is also involved in many multi-disciplinary creative projects.

To enquire about commissioning Sania for commercial or editorial projects, please use the contact form.

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