snowdrop simplicity

February 12, 2013  in flowers

Snowdrop by Sania Pell

Snowdrops are such a fresh little flower, so simple and delicate yet elegant. I‘m always excited when I first see them poking their heads through the soil in my garden. I planted the bulbs several years ago, purposefully in a little spot near the kitchen doors where they could catch my eye, and I now enjoy them blooming every year.

Snowdrop simplicity by Sania Pell

Snowdrop by Sania Pell

With this little vision of joy, you just know that Spring is not far away.


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  1. Catherine says:

    Bonjour Sania,
    thank you for your answer to my comment, for showing us beautiful photos again and, even if I do not send a comment each time, you know I jump on my computer with pleasure thanks to you.
    Even if the colour of the sky in Paris now looks like the background of your photos I am happy to see that those little flowers are sending bright news.

  2. allesistgut says:

    This is so wonderful. The simplicity is mostly the purest and most beautiful thing!!!!

  3. Rona says:

    What a wonderful blog post Sania…beautiful images!

    I’m very much looking forward to spring and hopefully lots of warm sunshine :-).

    Rona x

  4. Hannah Nunn says:

    Beautiful pictures Sania. Its amazing what snowdrops do to people. I had a giveaway on my blog and they really inspired poetry in people. It was joyful. Can’t wait for Spring x

  5. elisa says:

    they do give me such joy. there are crocuses out now, bright like easter eggs, i alternate. between great joy and panic that i’ve not planned the garden! xx

  6. Lee says:

    wonderful post, thank you….

  7. Una Spart says:

    Hi I just found your wonderful Website. I really liked reading your post. Thank you!

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Sania Pell freelance interior stylist London.

Sania Pell is a leading interior stylist, art/creative director and consultant based in London. Highly-experienced and influential, she has been a Contributing Stylist at Elle Decoration UK magazine for over 20 years, and is well known for bringing a unique aspect to photographic shoots for national publications, leading international brands and retailers as well as for architects and property developers. She is the author of best-selling book The Homemade Home and The Homemade Home for Children. A trained, former textile designer, Sania is also involved in many multi-disciplinary creative projects.

To enquire about commissioning Sania for commercial or editorial projects, please use the contact form.

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